This blog is a spoof created as a tribute to Buffet Breakfast and Homestuck, which Buffet Breakfast was somewhat loosely based on. As you might have guessed, it is not meant to be taken seriously. (Yes, that means you. I repeat, it is NOT meant to be taken seriously! I warned you abost takin things too seriosely bro!)
For those of you that don't already know, Homestuck is a story about four kids that play a computer game of cosmic proportions (somewhat literally), and in it, Dave Strider is a cool Midwesterner who's into rap music, audio mixers, and all things amazingly trashy but ironically awesome. Buffet Breakfast is the Bad Translator version of Homestuck, and accordingly, "Dave Dragon" of Buffet Breakfast is a member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong who's a huge fan of Engrish on packaging and ostensibly cares immensely about human rights. Haidelajief is his version of the original Dave's "ironic" comic Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, which in addition to telling the story of two well-meaning bros' largely failed attempts to do everyday things also seemingly presents some rather deep political and philosophical commentary.
"Translators" include Cowey42 and Irockz of the MSPA forums. Site and some later "translations" after #13 made by TAKUMI (AKA variegatedDreamraptor).
Sweden is only the second twilight bad Cooking Blog assignment variable generation originair. I had serious doubts about the information. (Example) I repeat, this is serious. What is important is to respect human rights.
These guys are team of 4 Hamburgers in the history of the population (for example, impliqu, you know). For the purposes of this document, also dragon is a rap, a table, a mixer and waste is very strange, but paradoxically the cool Midwest. Breakfast is even worse in the morning: originair. Operator of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region SAR L'emballage and respect for human rights, Spanish Japan storm system was Hitler.
From the perspective of human rights, as well as Haidelajief Haidelajief attrayan right with this acquisition. Always up to date, but the two brothers agreed to a very deep philosophical comment, as well as the inventor. The World Economic Forum, Cowey42, multidimensionnell tem analysis of 131 Irockz (tenaill version: dream k. bird kick 107), to the translation.